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Seventh Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022)


Client: Prodigy Events


Date: 23rd-24th May 2022

Location: Westin Nusa Dua, Bali

Global platform for disaster risk reduction logo


The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction is the main global forum to assess and discuss progress on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (an ambitious agreement that sets out the overall objective to substantially reduce disaster risk and losses). 

"[The] public's understanding and literacy on disaster must be consistently strengthened to build resilient and prepared society - starting from educations within families and regular simulations in areas that are prone to disasters." 

- His Excellency Mr. Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia. 

The 2022 Global Platform provided a unique and timely opportunity to showcase the importance of international solidarity and cooperation, as well as to discuss ways to tackle underlying risk drivers both locally and globally. Additionally, it explored how to strengthen disaster risk governance and how to build stronger systems for managing all types of risks. 

“The Global Platform is an occasion for the global community to come together to learn from the COVID-19 tragedy, evaluate successes and challenges in working on disaster risk reduction, and to accelerate progress towards disaster resilience and sustainable development.” 

- Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR.

The seventh session of the Global Platform (GP2022) was organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) from 23 to 28 May 2022, in Bali, Indonesia, hosted by the Government of Indonesia. The event was co-chaired by the Government of Indonesia and UNDRR.

Global platform for disaster risk reduction banners
Meeting room
Meeting room


Because the nature of the event is global, it needed to be conducted in multiple languages so that international delegates could listen to the event in their own language. The client needed a simple and reliable solution to distribute the live interpretation of English, Indonesian, French, Arabic and Spanish to the on-site clients attending the event.

The solution we provided

Congress Rental provided our Bosch infrared language distribution system for the conference delegates. This system is specifically designed for multilingual conferences and meetings and delivers exceptional audio quality. Interpreters worked remotely and their live interpretation feeds were fed directly through our transmitters, to our radiators and out via infrared signal to over one thousand receivers on-site.

Breakdown of the rooms:

Mangupura Hall: 722 Receivers, 1 Transmitter, 8 Radiators

Nusantara Hall: 400 Receivers, 1 Transmitter, 3 Radiators

Jakarta Room: 189 Receivers, 1 Transmitter, 2 Radiators

Hibiscus Frangipani Room: 128 Receivers, 1 Transmitter, 2 Radiators

On-site delegates simply took a seat, picked up one of our Bosch infrared receivers, plugged in the provided headphones and enjoyed the meeting in any language of their choosing. Prior rigorous testing was done collectively by the Congress Rental team, the Prodigy team, and the team of interpreters a week before to make sure the this configuration worked smoothly.

Bosch language distribution system
Bosch language distribution system

Challenges overcome

Considering the sheer number of infrared receivers, the best method for distribution was a clear challenge. Initially, the teams considered setting up a collection point upon entry to each of the rooms for delegates to collect their infrared receivers and head to their seats. To minimize the chance of receiver loss and avoid a potential bottleneck at the collection point, the Congress Rental team instead suggested cable tying all the receivers to the delegate's chairs. The team proceeded to cable tie over one thousand receivers to delegates' chairs overnight. This solution worked perfectly, during the event there was no confusion among delegates on how to get the receivers and no receivers were lost or accidentally taken.

Event outcomes

Due to the preparation work and testing performed by the Congress Rental team, the Prodigy team and the interpreters, the configuration worked smoothly, and delegates enjoyed our elegant solution to hear the meeting in their own language.

Interested in learning more about Interpretation Equipment for your next event? 

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